Sunday, March 6, 2011

Wide Angle Session 6 - What Do I Do Now?

Opening Prayer - Pray that God will help you be open to what he wants to teach you through this session,

Key Verse - And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. (Colossians 3:17 ESV)

Segment 1 Summary - God has given us two commissions: the Great Commission, to make disciples, and the Cultural Commission, to act as God's representatives in protecting and developing the world he created.  The Cultural Commission is part of the Great Commandment, to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength.  Our vocation, whatever it may be, is a calling from God to live out our worldview and bring his rule to bear in our workplace.

Segment 2 Summary - The biblical world view says that God's sovereignty influences every area of life.  It provides the foundations for economic development and justice.  Our concepts of freedom, the rule of law. and limited government come from the Bible.  Most early leaders of modern science were Christians; and only the biblical worldview provides a solid foundation for science.  The arts too are founded in Scripture and are a reflection of God's beauty and his will for creation.

Segment 3 Summary - As we seek to apply the biblical worldview to all of life, we must not try to impose it on others; instead, we should propose a better way of life to them.  We must approach our task with humility, humor and grace, always seeking to persuade, not coerce.  We should honor those who oppose us, recognizing in them the image of God, as we live out the love of God in all our relationships.  We change lives first, then culture, as we work to overcome evil with good.

Prayer Direction
  • Thank God for what you have learned in this study.
  • Ask God for grace and courage to share the biblical worldview with others.

Putting It Into Practice
God has called you to advanced his kingdom in all areas of life, acting as his steward and ambassador to the world around you.  The first step to fulfilling this call is to renew your commitment to reading the Bible and developing a deeper understanding of the biblical worldview.

Next, develop the habit of analyzing movies, television shows, newspapers, and even the comments of people around you, to understand their worldviews.  Then, "with gentleness and respect," propose a better way; showing people through your words and your life how things are meant to be.

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