Sunday, February 27, 2011

Wide Angle Session 5 - What’s the Solution?

Opening Prayer - Pray that God will help you to be open to what he wants to teach you about the biblical worldview.

Key Verse - For by grace you have been saved through faith.  And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. (Ephesians 2:8-9 ESV)

Segment 1 Summary - The world is looking for salvation in all the wrong places.  Some look for it in political power and the law.  Others believe education will solve all human problems.  For others, the solution is found in economics and material prosperity.  Still others believe that psychology will provide liberation.  But non of these supposed solutions address the underlying condition of human sinfulness.

Segment 2 Summary - The universal problem we all face is guilt.  We know we have sinned, and that is why we search for answers.  We are not made to carry guilt.  We need to surrender our lives to God so that we may be changed.  Wee need grace; something no other religion can offer.  Only Christianity, empowered by God's grace, has a worldview that results in transformed lives.

Segment 3 Summary - Redemption brings reconciliation with God and our neighbor.  reconciliation enables us to build Christian community - the church of Jesus Christ.  As his church, God calls us to be agents of reconciliation to the world, sharing the gospel through our words and our actions.  Over time, the gospel transforms us as we live out our faith.

Prayer Direction
  • Thank God for the gift of Salvation.
  • Thank God that in Christ we have the answers for all our needs, our relationships with others, and even answers to the broader issue of our relationships to the world around us.
  • Ask God for wisdom and courage to act as agents of reconciliation wherever you are.  Pray specifically for those people in need of the gospel whom God has placed in your life.

Putting It Into Practice
Over the past few weeks, we have been looking at how worldviews shape the actions and attitudes of people.  This week, initiate at least one conversation about worldview with someone who is not involved with this study.  Seek to understand the implications of their position.